L'échographie clinique pour les gériatres

Improve management, enrich your examination and increase the accuracy of your diagnosis.


des diagnostics sont redressés grâce à l'échographie clinique.

British Medical Journal
+500 uses

A probe that fits all main clinical applications

human body
  • Anatomy: visualization of the heart chambers
  • Diagnosis: cardiac effusion and tamponade
  • Aetiologies: infectious, cardiac, cancerous
POCUS scan of the heart (echOpen O1)
Liver and right kidney
  • Anatomy: visualization of the liver, right kidney and hepatorenal space
  • Diagnosis: peritoneal effusions in the upper quadrant of the abdomen
  • Aetiologies: hepatic, traumatic, infectious, biliary disorders
Clinical ultrasound of the Morrison space, probe echOpen O1
  • Anatomy: visualization of pleural cul-de-sacs
  • Diagnosis: pleural effusions
  • Aetiologies: infectious, cardiac, cancerous, interstitial lung disease
POCUS scan of the lung (echOpen O1)
Spleen and left kidney
  • Anatomy: visualization of the spleen, left kidney and splenorenal space
  • Diagnosis: peritoneal effusions in the left upper quadrant
  • Aetiologies: gastrointestinal diseases, pancreatitis, cirrhosis with ascites
Clinical ultrasound of Koller's space, probe echOpen O1
  • Visualization: large and peripheral vessels
  • Use: central catheterization of large and peripheral vessels
  • Diagnosis: abdominal aortic aneurysms
Clinical ultrasound of vessels, probe echOpen O1
  • Anatomy: visualization of the bladder and uterus
  • Diagnosis: peritoneal effusions in the pelvic region
  • Aetiologies: gynaecological or intestinal diseases, pelvic trauma
Echographie clinique du bassin (espace de Douglas), sonde echOpen O1
  • Trauma assessment
  • FAST (Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma) protocols
  • EFAST protocol (Extended Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma)
Ultrasound scans with echOpen O1 probe

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Care better with POCUS

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Clinical ultrasound in urology

L'échographie clinique en gériatrie est un outil précieux pour la prise en charge des patients âgés. Elle permet une évaluation non invasive et rapide des structures internes, facilitant le diagnostic de conditions courantes chez les personnes âgées, telles que les maladies cardiovasculaires, les pathologies rénales et les troubles hépatiques. L'échographie aide également à guider des procédures délicates, comme la pose de cathéters ou les ponctions, en réduisant les risques de complications. En intégrant cette technologie, les professionnels de santé peuvent offrir une prise en charge plus personnalisée et sécurisée, améliorant ainsi la qualité de vie des patients gériatriques. De plus, l'échographie permet un suivi régulier et précis de l'évolution des pathologies, optimisant le traitement et le confort des patients.

2 products - 1 solution

Point-of-Care Ultrasound made easy and affordable

echOpen O1 probe & Mobile Apps

reliable, efficient

echOpen O1, the POCUS probe that enhances and expands bedside physical examination. View the body's internal organs in real time, anytime, anywhere. 

View organs
Improve the care pathway
echOpen O1 probe
Digital service

Educational, collaborative, secure

Your digital companions to guide you in your daily POCUS practice. With echOpen On and echOpen XP you can easily set up your probe, access training videos and join an active medical community.

Get started with POCUS
Join a community
Store  your scans securely
application screen echopen doctor profile

What the experts have to say

For patients with acute abdominal pain, bedside ultrasound examination is related to higher satisfaction and decreased short-term health care consumption.

British Medical Journal

I was lucky enough to see the birth of echOpen and its ultraportable ultrasound scanner at the Hotel-Dieu. After its presentation to Albi's hospital and private practitioners, I realized that this equipment is today's diagnostic and democratic tool.

Alexandre Fritsch
Directeur-Général du Centre Hospitalier d'Albi

The most recent studies highlight the fact that clinical ultrasound must be part of the specialty's core competencies.

Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians

Point-of-Care ultrasound changes the management in specific groups of patients in the Emergency Department. It seems intuitive that POCUS holds an unexploited potential on a wide variety of patients.

The American Journal of Emergency Medicine

Time to add a fifth pillar to bedside clinical examination: inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation and insonation.

The Journal of the American Medical Association
JAMA Cardiology

Addition of ultra-sound imaging to the standard bedside physical examination has performed particularly better for correctly identifying the presence of less severe disease.

The Journal of the American Medical Association
JAMA Cardiology

The SFMU points out that the use of POCUS in an emergency setting is justified by its efficiency in terms of clinical and diagnostic response, and the ease with which skills can be acquired and maintained.


Studies show that clinical ultrasound is associated with greater diagnostic accuracy.

Scandinavian Journal of Trauma

echOpen is fully adapted to medical and paramedical practice for first-line diagnostic examinations. In "pocket" format, it covers the majority of clinical activities in a healthcare establishment, from emergencies to internal medicine. It also helps to strengthen collaboration between city and hospital via tele-expertise.

Stéphane Kirche
Directeur de l'innovation du CH de Chalon-sur-Saône

Given that the biggest gap is in provision of diagnostics at the level of primary health care, which is also the entry point to the care cascade, we also recommend that, as a priority, a set of key point-of-care diagnostics (point-of-care tests and point-of-care ultrasound) be made available at all primary health-care centres.

The Lancet
Commission on diagnostics: transforming access to diagnostics

Bedside ultrasound is associated with improved patient satisfaction, perhaps as a consequence of improved time to diagnosis and decreased length of stay.

Journal of Emergency Medicine

POCUS gives doctors immediate access to clinical problems for faster, more direct management.

French Health Authority

To compensate for a shortage of sonologists and sonographers in low-income countries, training midwives to undertake routine focused obstetric scanning for identification of high-risk pregnancies is a very viable option.

Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology

Portable devices can considerably reduce the overall time required for performing an ultrasound examination at the bedside.

European Society of Radiology

When an imaging facility is not on site, point-of-care ultrasound is the only imaging modality that lends itself to true point-of-care service provision.

The Lancet

The strengths of handheld devices result in several opportunities: ultrasound may be performed by a wider range of healthcare providers with varying levels and with different types of education. Handheld devices may also facilitate the use of ultrasound for teaching purposes.

European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology

Ultraportable clinical ultrasound probes have the advantage of being personal: they are immediately available, either in your pocket or in every room of the department.

Dr Maxime Gautier
Head of the Simone Veil Hospital EMS Department - Eaubonne-Montmorency Hospital Group

Portable, personal clinical ultrasound probes significantly improve patient care. They enable earlier, safer pre-diagnosis, and improve the relationship between professional and patient. On a hospital scale or, more generally, in terms of healthcare organization, they can also represent significant cost savings.

Dr Jérôme Bokobza
Emergency physician, Hôpitaux Universitaires Paris Centre -Cochin

Physicians should examine the central veins with great precision by ultrasound to find the best vein for cannulation.

Electronic Physician


L'échographie clinique en gériatrie

Read the whole FAQ

Dans quel cas dois-je effectuer une échographie clinique en gériatrie ?

Une échographie clinique en gériatrie est indiquée dans plusieurs situations spécifiques. Elle est souvent réalisée pour évaluer des douleurs abdominales, thoraciques ou pelviennes, permettant de détecter des anomalies telles que des calculs rénaux, des kystes, des tumeurs ou des pathologies cardiaques. L'échographie est également utilisée pour surveiller des pathologies chroniques comme l'insuffisance cardiaque, les maladies rénales ou les troubles hépatiques. Elle est essentielle pour guider des procédures invasives, telles que les ponctions pleurales ou les biopsies. En cas de suspicion d'infection urinaire compliquée ou de rétention urinaire, l'échographie permet d'évaluer l'état de la vessie et des voies urinaires. Enfin, elle est utile pour le suivi post-opératoire après des interventions chirurgicales, assurant ainsi une prise en charge optimale des patients âgés.

Which clinical ultrasound probe to choose?

We advise you to choose an ultraportable clinical ultrasound probe, in view of their efficiency, versatility and robustness.

Ultraportable, personal clinical ultrasound probes slip easily into your pocket, enabling you to start an examination in just a few seconds.

Affordable and with sufficient autonomy for a day's consultations, ultraportable clinical ultrasound probes such asechOpen O1 also have the advantage of being non-wireless, making them easier to place, hold and move. They connect to a simple smartphone, which can be used to record images, video loops and annotations.

echOpen also offers a range of digital services, including introductory modules, quizzes and a collaborative space where you can exchange with the medical community and seek advice on complex clinical cases.

How can I learn about clinical ultrasound?

Initiation to the use of a clinical ultrasound probe is very straightforward. You will then need to perform several sections per organ to familiarize yourself with the gesture and probe positioning required to obtain quality images of the tissues in question. You will also need to practice analyzing slices of both healthy and pathological organs.

echOpen offers resources to introduce you to the practice of clinical ultrasonography and the interpretation of your images.

For further training, several universities offer DU and DIU courses that train you in the practice of specialty ultrasonography.

No specific training or diploma is required to practice clinical ultrasound if you hold a medical doctor's diploma - including ultrasound procedures.

Care better with POCUS

echOpen is committed to making POCUS accessible to healthcare professionals worldwide.

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